

Phone number: +421 948 119 246

Opening hours: According to reservations

Address City Game: Hotel Grand Matej – reception, Kammerhofská 5, 969 01 Banská Štiavnica

Address Mystery Dinner: flexible

GPS: N 48.4581, E 18.8968

You need to book your time!


4:Ride s.r.o.

Kammerhofská 5 969 01 Banská Štiavnica

IČO: 46885226

DIČ: 2023635559

Not a VAT payer

How can you find us?

Start of the game is just 250 metres below bus stop Banská Štiavnica,, MsÚ . You can find your bus connection at

Parking in Banská Štiavnica is paid via parking cards. Close to the starting place is parking at Akademická street for 1 euro/hour.

Contact us

Do you want to book game for more teams at once or do you have questions or any special requirements?

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